Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog #7

When I think of the word humor, I think of my two year old son. At his age, he does the funniest things we can imagine. Well not to forget he repeats everything he hears. Usually if he does something in front of people I will laugh out loud. If it is something that he should not be doing but I am the only one that sees him then I will laugh silently. As far as the cocaine article goes, I thought it was ridiculous and very dumb on part of the dealer calling 911. He panicked and did not think straight.
When I think of the word style, I actually think of Lady Gaga. This is because she has a very unique style when it comes down to her clothes. It is out of the box and most people seem to enjoy her music even though her clothing is not the best. This is what we as writers should try to aim for. We need to have a unique style of writing and concentrate on making readers enjoy what we write.
I try to create a picture in my readers head. I try to go back to my childhood and teen years and show the readers how it was growing up. In my introductions, I try to tell a little story so my readers know why I am writing about a certain topic. In my conclusions, I try to reinforce my overall major point of my paper. So far I have been successful as a writer.

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